Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rush Limbaugh, William Ayers, and Jesus...

I was in the car the other day and was listening to talk radio for a bit. Now I must confess that I find talk radio to be interesting and listening in the car seems to help the time pass. I heard the tail end of the Rush Limbaugh Show and then it transitioned to the Sean Hannity Show. Now, I recognize that some folks listen to these programs and consider them to be “news” programs on the radio. The truth is that they are really just entertainment programs, driven by ratings and paid for by advertising dollars. As it stands, they seem to be doing pretty well. Rush is one of the highest paid entertainers on the radio, who recently signed a contract for $400 million dollars. Not bad for a guy with only a high school diploma. Interestingly enough, I recently learned that Sean Hannity and Karl Rove, both prominent political personalities are also college dropouts. All of us that went to college must be a bunch of suckers…but I digress.

So, I was listening to the radio. The topic of course was politics and specifically the presidential election. As one who listens to these programs from time to time, it has been interesting to watch the metamorphosis of the discussion from primaries to general election. Both Rush and Hannity were extremely critical and outright against McCain in the primaries, but since his nomination both have supported him and focused their attack on the democratic nominee. The topic of the afternoon was on the associations that the democratic nominee has had in his past. In particular one individual was mentioned, William Ayers, a professor of education and senior university scholar at the University of Chicago. In the 60’s Ayers was involved in a radical anti-war group who bombed the pentagon in 1972. (I’d be interested to find out how one goes from an anti-war radical who is participating in such atrocities to becoming a distinguished professor at one of our nation’s most prestigious universities…I mean it’s got to be a fascinating story)…anyway….

The point was being made that Obama has been in Mr. Ayers home, has served on charity boards with him, and has associations with other persons of questionable behavior or reputation, thus calling into question his character as a presidential candidate. This got me to thinking…do our associations with others and persons we choose to spend time with define who we are? Also, when we consider this from a biblical world view does this change anything? Who did Jesus associate with? Whose homes did he visit? Who are we called to associate with as the Body of Christ?

It’s just something I was thinking about. And that’s my post for today.


Emily said...

Are you suggesting that Barack Obama is setting an example for us much like Christ? Or at least he is following Christ's example?

I think that we should be very careful to judge another person's character, period. Also, I think if we follow Jesus' example we would be associating with all kinds of people in order to be loving and truth telling.

Phil O. said...

I was just thinking that Christ spent time with questionable persons of the day and from what I can tell we are called to reach out to the lost, forgotten, and hurting people in our world. Yet we have a political system where if you know someone with a scrupulous past or associate with people that are less than desirable...it is used against you and calls into question your character, judgment, and principles. An interesting irony...

But no, I'm not judging anyone's character.

Emily said...

Oh, I didn't think you were judging anyone's character.

I just wasn't sure if you were drawing parallels with Jesus and Obama. You were drawing contrasts with the standards that are set up in the political system and the Kingdom of God. Our engagement in these is ironic indeed.

I would also go further and say that we are not just called to reach out, but we are called to suffer with or be compassionate to others. Which is in contrast to a well accepted idea that simply giving money to those in need meets that call on our lives.

Anonymous said...

first of all talk radio is not entertainment. it can be at some level but is primarily funded and aired as an advertisement in and of itself. yes... it is advertisement... propaganda... a slanted and biased "opinion" that exists to try to fuel the dumbing down of a society that believes much of what it hears.

beent said...

I don't think Obama's character is being assailed (if it is, I think that is wrong). However, I think his judgment and discernment is being questioned.

I don't believe Obama to be a terrorist, but associating with those that are/were leaves me with concerns about his ability to lead.

Regarding Jesus' example in this matter, if Obama were my pastor, I'd have no problem with these associations. In fact, I'd endorse them. Problem is that the presidency is far more complicated than being pastor and has more consequences should you make a poor choice.

Anonymous said...

So, I was planning on responding to this...then I saw Brent's reply and frankly, he said it really well. I agree with him.
And further more, for analogy sake...while I want my children to be like Christ...I am not going to sit back and let them hang out with kids who are doing drugs all the time. That would not make me a very responsible parent.
Jesus did not really make friends with these people as much as build a relationship...one that would help them see the error of their ways. There is a difference. And, I am not saying Obama was not being like "Jesus" because I can't judge that. But, it is obviously going to be suspicious and we would all be idiots if we did not look further into matters of such importance.

Anonymous said...

Jesus - Openly associating with sinners and criminals in order that they may repent and be saved.

Obama - Associating with criminals in order to advance his political career and influence.

Not the same... Different goal, different intent, different outcome. Jesus was crucified. Obama may be taking over Pilate's position... so to speak.

- Martin
Soli Deo Gloria - Solus Christus

Ryan Schmitz said...

Jesus wasn't running for President and Obama isn't in line for Savior (despite what you have heard).

Brian Miller said...

Good thoughts, Lee. And something well worth considering. I think Rush, etc would find plenty to call his "judgment and discernment" into question. Actually, I'm sure of it.

Side note... Travis, I tend to think that drawing a line between entertainment and advertisement/propaganda/whatever is an exercise in futility - at least in the West (if not the whole world).

newarkbrooke said...

i'm pretty sure your whole "i'm updating every week" thing has gone to the pits of hell.