Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Back from the dead...

Take heart you three persons who still check to see if this site is updated from time to time…Phil Osepher is not dead. However, I have been away for a while and have been unable to update my blog as often as some would like. I suppose the reasons for my posting hiatus are three in number.

First, I took a blogging sabbatical. During this sabbatical, I did some research and some writing (not online of course) and just took some time for personal reflection so as to come back to with a fervor and blogging vigor that had began to wane in the months leading to my break.

Second, I got sucked into facebook. Being a little late to this online party, I had a significant learning curve and found that if I had a few minutes, I’d checkout my facebook…rather than posting the random and often incoherent thoughts that were rolling around in my head.

Third, I kind of got bored with the whole blogging thing…and just didn’t feel like posting.

But for now…we’re back in business and I hope to post on a weekly basis.

Hugs and Kisses,

Phil O.


newarkbrooke said...

you did not get SUCKED into facebook, you joined voluntarily.

also, justin and i are 2 of the 3

Anonymous said...

you have 3 people that check here. i thought only 2.