Monday, December 10, 2007

It's a boy!

It seems my machismo knows no bounds. Yes, today we received confirmation following an ultrasound appointment that has verified that we are expecting another son. Even prior to his birth, my son boldly declared his masculinity. While some lesser fetuses might have evaded such a moment of vulnerable disclosure, my boy wasn’t the least bit bashful.

For those keeping track that gives me a three and one record, not too bad. Of course while no reasonable person would argue that impregnating one’s wife with a son represents the pinnacle of reproductive skill, we would be remiss to allow folks to consider this a negative critique of our female brethren. Even the most staunch chauvinist would agree that our world is a far better place with women in it. No, I for one take great pride in the fact that my little girl will now have three brothers to threaten, intimidate, and protect her from any guy foolish enough to consider speaking to her.

Just wanted to share my good news…


:::: Travis Keller :::: said...

one moment.
first, accept my kindest congratulations to you and your family - by which i mean all 26 of you.
second, who's to say that you are 3-1. you proposed hall of fame batting average of .750 could inversely be considered an average .250 seeing as i consider myself to be batting 1.000.
i will have to rethink if my daughter will be allowed to date your soon-to-be son.

Troy Current said...

Lee I hope that I will be half the man you are!

Heather said...

Yeah! Congratulations. I like girls better than boys, but that's okay. Brad hopes that someday he can follow in your footsteps and have at least one son :)

Ryan Schmitz said...

Troy, that would mean that you would have 1.5 boys and 0.5 girls. I don't think your want a child that is half boy and half girl do you?

Sarah said...


I have to admit that I have NEVER seen so clear an ultrasound as that. sure is a boy.

Anonymous said...

Congrats. Do you think that I could borrow some of your machismo? In the very distant future when we decide to extend our family, I'd like a son. My house needs some more testosterone!

newarkbrooke said...

lee, congratulations. or, good luck. whichever will soon apply.
troy, i agree with ryan. don't be half a man. or have half children.
and brent, whoever you are, borrowing machismo seems a little disturbing to me.....

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mr. Yowell. Another boy! Grace is not going to stand a chance of not being spoiled rotten or of ever being able to date someone without one of her brothers making sure the boy's okay for her (which, of course, they never will be).
I'm glad to have found your blog - some very fun reading. Hope to see you guys at New YEars - we miss seeing you!

Anonymous said...

wow. Congratulations...on being a dad...again? Can you be a dad again? Or just have another kid?

Justin said...

Great job, Lee. You're the Man.