Saturday, March 7, 2009


I suppose we all have “bad” days, but I had what I might characterize as an “interesting” day this past week. I say interesting, because I really can’t call it a bad day. Now, I’m a realist and recognize that the sun is not always shining, the birds can’t always be heard singing, and that we don’t always have a spring in our step. But as I was driving home, I realized that even my most challenging or difficult day, when viewed from a global and/or historical perspective seems like a pretty “great” day.

After all, I’m fortunate enough to be able to go home to a loving wife, four healthy children, a roof over my head, and more than enough food in the kitchen. I contemplated listing a more detailed analysis of the blessings in my life, but realized that it could go on and on and that makes for a boring blog post. But that’s just the point…too many things to mention. That makes me a blessed person. The more I thought about it, the particular on goings of that day seemed less significant.

Now, I’m not suggesting that we ignore or pretend that those negative moments in our lives don’t exist. I was just reminded that I need to recognize the priority I give these situations.

That night as I was lying in bed, I couldn’t help but recall the advice of a prominent American philosopher, Bing Crosby, and “I fell asleep, counting my blessings”.